Are you CRAVING a new expansion with money?

It's time to make the switch to Money Breathwork.

The only money "mindset" experience you will ever need.

You're here because you are craving a new opportunity.

You want something different. Cutting edge. Your portal to the next evolution in your life, in your business, and in your income + impact.

Money Breathwork™ is that portal. The fast-track to adding $100k-$500k of new revenue, new clients, new possibilities over the next year in a way that is spacious, sustainable, and aligned. As a thought leader, you desire to step more into the spotlight and claim your space at the top. You can see the ripple effect of your work. It gives you chills just thinking about it.

You have the strategy. You have the foundation. You know you are growing and going to continue growing. But you don't want to hit a glass ceiling, like you have before. You want to do it your way.

You want something that will get you out of your head [cause you've been there done that] and into your body, where not only the answers lie, but the solution to break free of the limiting paradigms and beliefs that are keeping you where you are.

Breath as the Bridge to Abundance.

Money Breathwork isn't merely a practice; it's a revelation.

It's the key that unlocks the doors between you and the abundance you're destined for. By harmonizing your breath with your financial intentions, you create a powerful synergy that dissolves blockages and ushers in prosperity.

Picture your business as a vessel for abundance, with Money Breathwork™ clearing the way for a seamless inflow and outflow of prosperity, clients, money, opportunities, and connections.

With every breath, you cultivate a deeper trust in yourself, making financial and business decisions from a place of strength and wisdom, always prioritizing a life by your design.

You're here for a reason. Your next evolution awaits.

Let's show you how to get started.


One of the most powerful ways to access Money Breathwork is live as a group

There are TWO ways to access the live experiences of Money Breathwork:

Money Magnet

Business Expansion Experience (our mastermind that is currently CLOSED)


Want to access your next breathwork on your own time?

Our growing Money Breathwork™ vault covers the essential pieces of business growth and expansion. Our motto? "We have a breathwork for that." You can learn more about what is available to you currently.


Money Breathwork is going on tour!

Coming to a city near you, Money Breathwork is teaming up with some of the most powerful women around the world to give you an unforgettable one-day experience.

Stay tuned for dates!

Money Magnet

Enroll Now, Receive Instant Access

6-week immersions every Quarter, Two Monthly LIVE Experiences + Unlimited Access to a vault of over 75+ breathworks

Fan-Favorite Program:

Manifest with Money Breathwork

21-day Manifesting Challenge INCLUDED!

Meet the Founder of Money Breathwork.

I'm Alessandra Caprice Sollevare, MSW. Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author, National Champion Athlete, Former Psychotherapist, and Wife + Mama of 4 under 7.

I hit low 6-figures 3 times before I realized I was stuck, had hit a glass ceiling and something needed to change if I wanted to have the impact I desired (and my sanity). The roller coaster of entrepreneurship was REAL. Up and down. Up and down. UP. AND. DOWN.

I founded Money Breathwork™ because it was what I needed. I had the drive. I had the strategy. I had the grit. I knew I was going to be successful NO. MATTER. WHAT. (sound familiar??), but I also had DEEP money trauma and limiting beliefs that no amount of mindset work seemed to clear. Using my breathwork facilitator certification, my 3+ years of experience as an Online Business Strategist, my degree in Social Work, and my kick-butt nature as a former collegiate athlete, I created Money Breathwork™ so that I could heal the beliefs in my body, take off my Armors of Smallness™ and expand into who I was meant to be.

It worked so well [aka doubling my income in less than 6 months + increasing my monthly recurring revenue by close to 5000%], that I had to bring it to you. And here it is. My clients are OBSESSED.

Ready to be the next success story of Money Breathwork? JOIN US.

I also believe that family is EVERYTHING. And that you can create a business of your dreams, making your dream income, WHILE having a balanced home life.

I started my business when my first daughter was 9 months old. I brought my husband home from work when my son was 6 months. And I've had 4 babies in the past 7 years. All while I grew a multi-six figure, international business.

I do this BECAUSE of them. We travel a ton. We are together non-stop. We all sit on one side of the couch all huddled together and ask for the smallest booth at restaurants. We are obsessed with each other and that is all by design.

Money Breathwork™ has not only helped me grow my business, from the inside --> out, but it has made me a better mom, a better wife, and has broken generational patterns so that our family has intentional foundations from the start. It has given me BOTH. Both the business + money, AND the life of my dreams. You can have it all. And Money Breathwork is where you activate it.

Hear their Success Stories with Money Breathwork!

© Copyright 2024 Alessandra Caprice Coaching, Sollevare Ventures, LLC