(Value $555)

How to reprogram your Money Blueprint to receive MORE. MONEY. in your business without grinding it out with the "typical mindset work" you've been doing...

And how to make it STICK.

The ONLY Money "Mindset" Program you will EVER need.

New LIVE Experience starts July 2

The Freed Accelerator + Live Experience

Expanding into the next money realm requires untethering from the money traumas keeping you stuck in the mire and muck of your money programming.

This 21-Day Accelerator AND Live Experience (which we haven't done before!) will take you through the necessary healing required to break free from your money trauma so you can access not only new realms of success and money, but to KEEP IT and KEEP expanding.

We start July 2. There will be 6-10 brand new breathwork experiences designed specifically to heal your money trauma.

Far too often I see women...

- stay small because they believe they are meant to be at a certain income level or believe that the "roller coaster" of entrepreneurship is just how it has to be

  • - see another woman's success and think "she must know something I don't" OR even worse... "She just HAS something I don't"

  • - say things like, "It's not about the money" or "I'd do it for free" when in reality they are struggling with money or "secretly" desiring more

  • - hold shame around wanting money and feel guilty for charging certain amounts (or even simply receiving money"

Maybe you relate...

Well, I say...

we are done with that.

How would it feel...

  • To feel SAFE with money

  • To feel fully taken care of by money

  • To live in FREEDOM with money

  • To have a STRONG PARTNERSHIP with money

  • To trust that money is going to continue showing up

  • To be able to see others making a lot of money and feel so EXCITED about the possibilities for you

  • To be able to spend money without fear

  • To receive money from unexpected places and people

  • To be consistent in making money

  • To have your money compound and your bank account grow

You can feel all this abundance (and more) if you make the conscious and continuous choice to reprogram your relationship with money and rewire your nervous system for wealth.

Trust me I get it, and I’ve been there… 

Money Literally Ruled My Life.

I used to feel so triggered by the thought of money leaving me. When I was 8, my family went bankrupt. My father was an entrepreneur, so my money story was you can be millionaires (which we were), and you could lose it all.

I would get anxious about my husband speeding. Not because of safety. But because I didn’t want to have to pay for a ticket.

When something would happen to the car, like a chip in the windshield or something would fail, I would get really upset. Not because we only have one vehicle and we need it, but because I didn’t want to have to pay for repairs.

I HAD to be on time to everything (especially flights), not because that’s just how I like to be, but because I didn’t want to have to pay extra or again if we missed something. 

Money literally ruled my life.

Not just in my business, but in my every day decisions and mental health.

I would hoard money just in case we needed it later. (and we always needed it - big expenses always seemed to show up when I had big amounts of cash in our accounts). 

I would set big, insane, possibly unreachable money goals that would burden me an put my nervous system in a dysregulated state, meaning ANXIOUS AF, because my fear was “I better make as much as I can now, in case it all goes away later.”

I would constantly look at others, to see what they were doing, and try to mimic and parrot and “be like them” because it was working and they were making money (which meant I was consistently putting out offers that were not in alignment with what I truly wanted and who I was).

And you're ready and committed to doing something about it.

I have what you've been missing.

I recognized my money trauma. I named it as such. I saw the limiting money beliefs and programming that I carried with me and I saw how it effected all aspects of my life. I saw the fear I had around money, the strangle hold I had on it, the anger I had towards it for not showing up when I wanted it to, the complete co-dependence I had with it.

And I decided that it didn’t have to be like this anymore.

I had done the money programs.

I had invested thousands of dollars into money mindset work.

I did the journaling prompts, over and over and over again.

And it would work.

A little bit.

I would recognize my deep-rooted patterns. I would acknowledge why I was where I was. I would have the big a-ha moments, and then…

It would hit a ceiling.

I would only go so far (even if I continued).

I capped out at a certain money threshold (for me it was 6-figure years). 

Typical money mindset work was just not working!

It wasn’t until I experienced breathwork for the first time when I knew…


But no one was combining money with breathwork. 

So I had to do it myself.

The necessary SWITCH became Money Breathwork®.

Using breathwork to not only HEAL your relationship with money (through the body, into the mind), but to EXPAND into a co-creation with money,

a JOY with money,

A magnetism with money

that transcends you into new REALMS with money

aka somewhere you haven't been yet.

Money Breathwork® is a simultaneous process of doing the deep healing work necessary to re-wire your relationship with money AND expanding into new realms with money.

You are carrying a particular money blueprint with you. It’s from childhood. It’s from generations before you. It’s from a couple years ago.

It has dictated what happens in your business. It has dictated what happens in your bank account. It has dictated what happens between you and money.

But the good news is that it gets to change.

This is your opportunity to make the SWITCH.

Money Breathwork® is the holistic, WHOLE BODY APPROACH (body, mind, spirit, soul), to expanding with money.

And the ONLY place to get it,

The only place to do this deep transformational, change the cells in your body, regulate your nervous system to align and calibrate with RECEIVING with MONEY,

Is inside Money Magnet.


Money Magnet

The ONLY money program that regulates your nervous system to RECEIVE more, while healing your past traumas and limiting beliefs, AND expanding into a new MAGNETIC version of yourself.

No more hiding from your blocks.

No more skirting around the real issues that are keeping you stuck in your business.

No more STAYING SMALL with money.

Money Magnet will reveal EXACTLY what is going on, so you can heal it once and for all.

You might not be able to explain it (like many of my clients),

but my gosh,


Many of my clients come to me looking for the "secret". The secret to business success. The secret to making more money. The secret that all those other entrepreneurs seem to know that they don't.

I often tell them, "There is no "secret." And in reality. There isn't. Because the secret isn't outside of you....

The secret IS you.

And I've figured out the best way to access it...

The "secret" you've been looking for is actually a simple SWITCH you need to make.

Money Breathwork® is the SWITCH. Money Breathwork® is the ONLY tool that combines ALL parts of you, targets the EXACT thing that's holding you back (and heals/releases it), and ILLUMINATES the light on your path.

You've probably done a lot of money mindset work. Am I right? You've done the journal prompts, the visualizations, the affirmations. But nothing is working. Money Breathwork® is not your typical money mindset "strategy." But it will take you farther than any of those typical strategies can, or will.

It is the BEST way to create a business that not only brings in Big Money Months, but that feeds your SOUL, lights you up, and provides the BEST results for your clients. It takes you deeper than you've ever gone. Dropping you into your subconscious, your body and your inner programming so that you can make the necessary changes and rewiring to actually manifest and create the money momentum you've been craving.

There is ONLY place to experience the UNDENIABLE POWER of Money Breathwork® and do the actual money reprogramming REQUIRED to expand...

Money Magnet.

The experience that takes you on a deep, transformational journey with money. Calibrating your Nervous System with the energy of receiving MORE, while finding safety in the big leaps. Money Magnet supports you not only in your healing and releasing of old toxic patterns with money, but expands you into new realms of possibility and potentiality with money AND incites you into ALIGNED ACTION. You are supported in your journey fully. You are held through the transmuting of money traumas. You are held through your expansion. And you are encouraged to BE the WEALTHY WOMAN you ARE in your every day life and business.

How Money Magnet will Transform your ability to Receive, Have, Hold, and Circulate Money.

A look inside the CORE FOUNDATIONAL Modules of Money Magnet

You receive LIFETIME ACCESS to these modules when you join.

(they themselves are worth MORE than the program)

Each meditative module includes a training/transmission (where most money mindset programs STOP), targeted journal prompts, and a transformational, meditative Breathwork Session.

Integrative Sessions include a short teaching + transmission PLUS a 13-15 minute flow through various breaths designed for a quick, powerful shift in your state.

Each designed to take you deeper into your relationship with money, heal the parts of you that need to heal, reprogram and rewire your current money blueprint to align with your money desires, and expand you into money magnetism.

With the power of Money Breathwork® and the way these workshops are structured, this all gets to happen all at the same time.

Your body holds the key to creating more money in your business. Money Breathwork® is how you unlock it.

There are FIFTEEN modules in the CORE FOUNDATIONAL experience.

Module 1

Anchoring in Your Worthiness

So much of the money work comes down to simply just feeling WORTHY. This is the first module of the Self Study Money Magnet because it is one of the most breathed modules, one of the modules that I send people to time and time again, so I figured we would start here.

In this module we will shed the unworthiness you may be holding and anchor into your innate worthiness in your body.

Module 2

Reprogramming your Current Money Beliefs

You currently have a money program you are following. You may be aware of it. You may not. But this program is dictating how much you make, how much you receive, how much you show up, etc. And it's not in the mind (though many mindset coaches will tell you it is). This money programming lies within your BODY, literally coded within your DNA and cells. But the good news is, we can change it. Setting the tone for reprogramming our bodies to feel SAFE to receive money is our next task within Money Magnet. And it's a module you're going to want to keep coming back to over and over again.

Module 3

Identifying and Healing your Money Masks

Your money programs also come with their fair share of feelings and emotions. I call these your Money Masks as they will literally make you invisible to money if you let them cover you. Shame. Guilt. Anger. Resentment. Fear. Sadness. All emotions attached to memories, experiences, your identity around money [and business]. This is where you have the opportunity to acknowledge them so they no longer rule your life, release them, heal them, and transmute them into the feelings of money magnetism: joy, gratitude, belief/faith, safety.

Module 4

Healing Money Shame to let in Abundance

In this sacred space, you are invited to illuminate the depths of your being with the radiant light of self-love and abundance, while gently transmuting the shadows of shame and self-doubt.

This is a powerful practice of releasing your money shame and transcending into the energy and frequency of abundance.

Module 5

Facing the REAL Money Blocks you never realized you had

This is one of the BIGGEST issues that comes up when you want more money, more visibility, more ANYTHING in your business.

There is a reason why you don't want it.

And your brain isn't the place to go looking for it. We find it. Clear it. And step back into full DESIRE and magnetism.

Module 6

Activating the Energetic Realms of Receiving

One of the MOST POWERFUL Money Magnet experiences is the energetic realms of receiving where you will activate your money magnetism on three different levels: the predictable realm, the possible realm, and the potential realm. All very important energies to align to when bringing in more money and clients into your business. Tapping into each one will transcend you into your next Big Money Month!

Module 7

Calibrating to your New Money Normal

This is one of the core tenets of Money Magnet: creating your new money normal.

Finding safety in your body with each big money month is ESSENTIAL. If you don't, you will lose it.

The energy of manifestation is: Hey! This is NORMAL! I feel safe here. And when we can tap into that frequency your nervous system allows you to KEEP each expansion and establish it as normal.

Module 8

Collapsing Time with Money

Such a fun energy. You know how to make a certain amount of money in a month. Look at your last month's income. You clearly know how to make that.

Now let's collapse time around it.

Let's play with the energy and the nervous system regulation to making the amount you KNOW how to make... but in less time.

Bonus Module #1

Finding Safety in New Realms of Success/Money

You're here to do something you've never done before. You're here to make more than you ever have. So you need to regulate your nervous system to feel SAFE doing something it's never done before so that you not only ALLOW it... but you KEEP IT too.

This is recommended for you when you are going for that next Big Money Month goal!

Bonus Module #2

The Strategy and Energetics of your Next Big Money Month

The Money Forecast breathwork workshop is one part strategy and logistics, one part energetics. In this workshop, I walk you through how to forecast your money goals and actually show you what's possible. This is a great workshop to use to set goals, outline your launch/selling schedule, and deepen your conviction in your desires and yourself.

Integrative Sessions

Unwavering Faith + Certainty in Money

Re-wire your Relationship with Money

Let Money Flow

Thank you Universe, More Please

Bedtime Money Flow

These flows are some of my clients FAVORITE short, integrative sessions. These are each around 10-12 minutes long and provide a quick shift in energy so that you can step deeper into taking action, aligning to your soul, and RECEIVING.

These women made the switch to Money Breathwork®.

Here's what they have to say about it:

$10k in 10 days and becoming a leader in her niche

Watch to hear Kierra's experience with Money Breathwork®.

Left her job of 10 years and Confident AF

Watch to hear Tysons's journey with Money Breathwork®.

Inside the FULL Money Magnet Vault

In Addition to the CORE FOUNDATIONAL modules, you receive INSTANT Access to the entire LIVING LIBRARY of Money Magnet.

The unique part of ANY of my programs, is that EVERY workshop is DIFFERENT. There are core themes that we cover, but because this work is so personal, so deep, and there are so many different ways to heal, expand, and receive money, I decided that there can't just be one curriculum. It is an ever-evolving, ever-expanding process AND you get access to it ALL.

You've probably heard me say: Intention is EVERYTHING.

It is why I create so many experiences for to target your specific money needs.

As of May 28, 2024, there are 51 transformational meditative workshops and 25+ integrative recordings already available to you each designed specifically for you.

Don't let that number intimidate you also. We have created specific accelerators designed to take you through the breathworks with your personal goal in mind.

Here are just SOME of the transformations currently available to you in the vault:

💸The $100k Month Activation to raise your vibration to the frequency of your next $100k

💸Tap into the KNOWING Vibe of Money so that its no longer about thoughts but a DEEP. KNOWING.

💸Collapsing time on your specific money goal aka doing what you KNOW, what you've experienced in LESS time

💸Relaxing into your BIG Money Goal

💸Completely re-write your money story and money relationship

💸Learn to LOVE money and have no shame yelling it from the top of your lungs (we literally do this in one of our flows)

💸Re-wire your money trauma - literally changing the cells in your body to become money magnets vs. money repellers

💸Re-write your fears and worries about money, actually come to terms with them, see them in front of you and allow your nervous system to release and let go

💸Let go of shame around money, shame from your past, shame from your present, shame of what your future might hold,  shame from ancestors/lineage and see yourself for who you are and what you get to CHOOSE to create going forward. 

💸Learn to become a money magnet by activating the three energetic realms of client and money attraction so that you can literally feel who you need to be, what you need to do, and how to embody the magnetism

💸Heal your unworthiness, undeservingness and not-enoughness about money so that you can break the patterns of survival and just-enough and move into excess and overflow

💸Identify and embody your wealthy woman identity 

💸Activate the wealth and money magnet frequency by tapping into and amplifying your ripple effect so that you see the deeper representation that money actually holds within you

💸Understand and identify your main money blockers (the reasons why you DON’T actually want to make the money) and how to release and heal them in order to activate the flow of money (this is known to be an instant money maker)

💸Find safety with money (and not the safety that you think) - a safety to receive, to hold, to have, and to magnify. This requires a lot of rewiring of old money beliefs and stories and embodying new ones.

💸Tap into the freedom frequency that comes with excess and overflow

💸Calibrate your frequency and your energetic monthly minimum to the Big Money Months that you desire

💸Embodying the Energy of the Breadwinner

💸Activate the energy and magnetism of your best month yet

💸 Mastering the art of DOING IT AGAIN aka having that Big Money Month and not letting it stop there!

💸Tapping into more ease and flow with money

What's inside your 6-Month Access to Money Magnet:


TWO 4-6-week Immersion Experiences

3-4 times per year, we host a 4-6-week Money Magnet Immersion. These experiences will include brand new modules/workshops, accountability challenges, calibration portals and so much more. These are SO. MUCH. FUN and will give you the deep immersion you need to leave with your money "mindset" transformed.

Value: $9999


TWO Monthly LIVE Experiences

Every month, we host TWO live experiences. One Money Magnet transformational 90-minute Workshop and ONE 30-minute integrative experience. Both are based on what's coming up within the group (so be ACTIVE) and where we need to go deeper into your relationship with money. They are a place to meet live together as a group, connect, and breakthrough. These are literally worth the cost in of themselves, the live experiences are SO POWERFUL, the energy is out of this world, the breakthroughs are mind-blowing and it's just so fun to be in community together!

Value: $5555


UNLIMITED ACCESS to the Money Magnet Vault + Living Library

You have INSTANT access to the Money Magnet Vault. The more you hang out in here, the bigger the breakthroughs, the more money you make. Inside the vault, you already have access to 50+ transformational breathwork journeys and 25+ short powerful integrative breathworks. Every session is different and will provide you a significant breakthrough!

Value: $11,111


LIFETIME Access to the Core Foundations

You receive lifetime access to the Money Magnet core modules and integratives. Each designed for your personal money transformation. You can use them in order or go where your intuition guides you. We definitely recommend you experience ALL modules at least once. You will probably find your favorites as well. Each breathwork experience will provide you a DIFFERENT experience as you deepen this work. So keep coming back to these again and again. There are 15 in total and LIFETIME ACCESS means you NEVER. HAVE. TO. STOP. even when you choose to end your membership.

Value: $9999


The Money Magnet Accelerators

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of experiences available to you in the Money Magnet Living Library, and you just want a step-by-step "BREATHE THIS, THEN BREATHE THIS NEXT", I have you.

We have created THREE Money Magnet 21-day experiences each designed for a different breakthrough:

Healing your Relationship with Money (Healed)

Expanding your Relationship with Money (Expanded)

Elevating Your Income to a New Normal (Elevated)

Value: $9999


Personalized Recommendations

You have access to a private Facebook group where you have access to personalized coaching from me. I recommend popping into the group at least ONCE a week and discussing where you currently are, your current struggles, and where you'd like to expand. I can then point you to the perfect module for you throughout the Money Magnet Vault. Though we have a curated path already made for you and the Accelerators and the Core Foundational Modules, this is an opportunity to dig deeper into areas you personally need! This is INVALUABLE. Use it!

Value: $4444


Private Community + Sisterhood

We have cultivated a powerful, tight-knit community where you can go to celebrate, to ask questions, to connect, to FEEL. You get to GIVE support and RECEIVE support in your money journey. This is where making the powerful SWITCH takes on a life of it's own... in COMMUNITY.

Value: $2222


A Private App + Vault

All breathworks are not only spliced individually (so you can listen directly to the breathwork without going through all the other pieces of the workshop), but you also have full access via a Money Breathwork app you can easily access on your phone or tablet.

Value: $1,111


The Money Magnet Workbook

We have created a BEAUTIFUL workbook with all the journal prompts from each module in the CORE FOUNDATIONS, space for you to do the work AND keep you accountable to breathing each module.

Value: $333

These women made the SWITCH TOO!

Consistent $10k Months that STICK

Watch to hear about Rhonda's journey with Money Breathwork ™.

Made her investment back in just a month and had her biggest month yet!

Watch to hear Melisa's journey with Money Breathwork.

Introducing the Money Magnet Accelerators

(these are some of my clients' favorite places to hang out)

I recommend choosing one to get started!

They are each 21 days and a POWERFUL way to begin your Money Breathwork journey!

Step-by-step DAILY breathwork recommendations designed specifically for your personal goal with money.

We mix longer breathworks and shorter breathworks to help you create the Money Breathwork habit!

The Healed Accelerator

Heal your Relationship with Money

The Healed Accelerator is not only about healing your relationship with money, but also your relationship with yourself. Your relationship with money is the LONGEST relationship you will ever have, other than the relationship with yourself and it is essential that it is one based on love, mutual respect, and above all, unwavering faith and TRUST. This accelerator will help you heal your money programming, develop the deep-seeded trust you desire with money, and give you a foundation to expand into new realms with money.

Value: $3,333

The Expanded Accelerator

Expand your Relationship with Money

The Expanded Accelerator is about taking your relationship with money to the next level. You and money are good? Awesome. Let's get even better. It's about finding safety in new normals with money aka receiving MORE, HAVING more, allowing more in, and attracting more. I

Value: $3,333

The Elevated Accelerator

Elevate your Income to its New Normal

I have to say. This is my FAVORITE place to hang out personally (from Alessandra). I absolutely love the energy of calibrating to new monthly minimums with money. So many coaches as I was building my business said: JUST DECIDE when it came to changing how much money I wanted to make each month. WELL, that didn't work for me. When your nervous system finds safety and normalcy with receiving then it becomes your reality. You HAVE to get your body in on the decision! Do you want to raise your monthly minimum? Regulate your nervous system to RECEIVE it in the Elevated Accelerator.

Value: $3,333

And Adding a NEW Accelerator starting July 2

The Freed Accelerator + Live Experience

Expanding into the next money realm requires untethering from the money traumas keeping you stuck in the mire and muck of your money programming.

This 21-Day Accelerator AND Live Experience (which we haven't done before!) will take you through the necessary healing required to break free from your money trauma so you can access not only new realms of success and money, but to KEEP IT and KEEP expanding.

We start July 2. There will be 6-10 brand new breathwork experiences designed specifically to heal your money trauma.

Value $3333

Take a look at what making the switch can do for you!

A total value of: $33,767

Now OPEN...

Join now for $597 $388/month

A savings of 35%!

Money Magnet:

  • Six Month Access to the FULL Money Magnet Experience

  • 2x 6-week Immersion Experiences (VALUE $9999)

  • Monthly LIVE Experiences (VALUE $5555)

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the Money Magnet Core Foundational Modules (VALUE $3333)

  • UNLIMITED ACCESS to the Money Magnet Vault + Living Library (VALUE $11,111)

  • The Money Magnet Accelerators (VALUE $9999)

  • Weekly Coaching + Personalized Recommendations (VALUE $4444)

  • Private Community + Support (VALUE $2222)

  • Private Easy-to-Access App + Vault (VALUE $1,111)

  • The Money Magnet Workbook (VALUE $333)

Money Magnet is valued at $43,663+


$1111/month for 6 months

$287/bi-weekly for 6 months (EARLY BIRD PRICING ONLY! - Save over $500)

Pay in Full Discount Available!

The Money Magnet Quantum Leap VIP Experience:

  • Everything inside Money Magnet (VALUE $43,663)

  • Unlimited Access to Sales Alchemy (VALUE $9997)

  • Unlimited Access to Being Big (VALUE $9997)

  • Six Month Access to the FULL Money Breathwork Vault (VALUE $20,000)

  • Momentum Accelerator (VALUE $2997)

  • Be Seen Accelerator (VALUE $2997)

  • Launched Accelerator (VALUE $2997)

  • 10x Accelerator (COMING AUGUST 2024)

  • 2-3 LIVE experiences per week (VALUE $9997)

  • Exclusive Access to the Business Expansion Experience Mastermind (VALUE $10,000)

The Money Magnet Quantum Leap VIP Experience is valued at $103,654+


$555/month for 6 months

$527/bi-weekly for 6 months (EARLY BIRD PRICING ONLY! - Save over $1000)

Pay in Full Discount Available!

Still wondering if Money Breathwork will work for you?

100% Results Guaranteed

If you Join and you’re you don't make, here's what we will do...

My mission is for your business to grow. Your business growing is a reflection of you getting your SOUL WORK out into the world and getting PAID for it. So if you show up, do the work, you come to live workshops, you participate in the group, you breathe between live workshops, you complete all programs and STILL (I honestly DO NOT see this happening) don't cover your investment (aka make your money back), you will KEEP ACCESS until you do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I receive 1:1 access to Alessandra?

You get access to Alessandra in the Facebook group where you can ask questions as well as on the Live Calls! She loves to answer your questions and support you in your expansion.

Are there any LIVE calls?

Yes! Not only do we have the 6-week immersions every 4 months, there are TWO live calls a month. One 90-minute full Money Magnet Workshop with a teaching + transmission, journaling + a 30-40 minute breathwork experience. One 30-minute integrative session with 12-minute targeted breathwork designed to shift you into magnetism. All calls will be posted at the beginning of the month and your zoom link can be found in your dashboard. These calls are SO FUN and will be a catalyst to your expansion.

This is a lot. I tend to fall behind in programs. How do I even start?

Just start with Module 1. That's it. Just start there and then move on to Module 2. Commit to coming to the LIVE CALLS each month. The greatest thing is you get LIFETIME access to the core foundational modules. So there is no rush. Although I know you want results, so my biggest advice is to just START! Show up in the group. Ask questions. Breathe one breathwork at a time!

I also recommend starting with one of the Accelerators based on your personal goals. Its a great way to move through the different breathworks included in the membership. Post in the group and see if someone wants to do it with you to keep each other accountable!

Breathwork is intense. Do I have to do it every day to get the results you speak about?

You do not have to do meditative (or integrative) breathwork every day to get results. I recommend 2-3 times per week for meditative sessions and peppering in integrative sessions as you go. If all you have time for is 1 or 2 per week, that will STILL move you forward and be highly beneficial to you.

Is there strategy coaching included?

This program is focused on the energetics around money. Deeper strategy that pertains to sales and visibility are in other programs.

When do I get access to the vault?

Instantly. You get access to all past recorded programs instantly upon registration and can begin diving in right away!

What is the Money Magnet community like?

The Money Magnet community is one of the BEST communities I have seen out there. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. The women are incredibly supportive, vulnerable and craving more and more expansion like you are. It is CONTAGIOUS when women have money wins together!

A $43,663 Value

The Money Magnet Experience

  • SIX MONTHS ACCESS to the FULL Money Magnet Experience

  • 3x 6-week Immersion Experiences (VALUE $9999)

  • Monthly LIVE Experiences (VALUE $5555)

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the Money Magnet Core Foundational Modules (VALUE $3333)

  • UNLIMITED ACCESS to the Money Magnet Vault + Living Library (VALUE $11,111)

  • The Money Magnet Accelerators (VALUE $9999)

  • Weekly Coaching + Personalized Recommendations (VALUE $4444)

  • Private Community + Support (VALUE $2222)

  • Private Easy-to-Access App + Vault (VALUE $1,111)

  • The Money Magnet Workbook (VALUE $333)

© Copyright 2024 Alessandra Caprice Coaching, Sollevare Ventures, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Disclaimer: Results or earnings are not guaranteed. You recognized and agree that Alessandra Caprice has not many any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to purchasing Money Magnet. There are no refunds. All sales are final. The terms and conditions to this offer are accessed through the sales cart.

We may reference our own sales and money figures and in some/many cases refer to the sales/money figures of current and previous Money Magnet clients. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success, and that the results we reference are not typical or average, but are the culmination of the work we and our clients have put in. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors.

If you have any questions, please ask.