The Re-Wire Your Limiting Money Beliefs Breathwork

A powerful breathwork activation designed to heal and rewire your limiting money beliefs in your BODY instead of your head.

It's time to break free from the old, outdated money mindset strategies that aren't getting you the results you want.

In this 22-minute breathwork experience, you are guided through a transformational flow designed to really truly SEE your beliefs that are holding you back.

Heal and release what is necessary.

To expand into NEW money beliefs and

to NORMALIZE the belief in your system so that the actions you take are calibrated to the new beliefs.

Hi Expander! I'm Alessandra Caprice.

I'm the founder of Money Breathwork®, a transformational experience designed to expand you into new realms with money.

I'm a worldschooling mama of 4 who brought my husband home from work 5 years ago so that we could be an intentional family.

And that was GREAT, but it had come with its fair share of ups and downs with money, stress, and pressure...

until I founded Money Breathwork®.

Up until that point I had had success. Some GREAT success. But I was still in the roller coaster of not only emotions (a LOT of them), but money. I'd have success one month, and then the next month, it felt like it was all slipping through my fingers.

I doubled down on strategy and mindset only to find myself in the same position. Over. And Over. And OVER again. I didn't realize that the actual problem was that my nervous system was WIRED for the roller coaster.

I have been using Money Breathwork® for close to two years now. In that time, I have not only doubled my business (which was surpassing a major plateau I had had for years), but I am happier, more connected, and living more of the life I had set out to live.

And now I get to share it with you.

Money Breathwork® is the Missing Link to your Business Expansion.

I was stuck for almost 5 years.

The women who find me and Money Breathwork have been stuck as well. Stuck in "mediocre money" (whatever that is defined for them - for me it was consistent $100k years and not moving PAST that milestone).

And Money Breathwork serves as the catalyst for EXTRAORDINARY money.

I have clients making six figures. Clients making seven figures. And clients just starting.

If you'd like to see the pages and pages of testimonials CLICK HERE.

Money Breathwork works for EVERYONE. If you LET. IT.

If you commit to it.

But it can be overwhelming.

Where do I start?! is literally my most frequently asked question.

So I made something for you.

A 22-minute activation to just get you started with Money Breathwork.

It's short.

It's powerful.

It's fun.

It'll get those sticky limiting money beliefs MOVING.

And on this page ONLY...

You can get the Re-Wire your Limiting Money Belief Breathwork for only $27!

The price will be raising to $57 soon!

The Re-Wire Your Money Belief(s) Money Magnet Activation is available INSTANTLY.

Here's what your experience will look like:

NOTE: The Breathwork is spliced out of the workshop so that you can easily revisit and rebreathe (without listening to the rest of the workshop). It is recommended for your FIRST time with this experience, to listen to the first part of the workshop.

First, I will give you an intro into WHY Money Breathwork instead of your typical money mindset work. (and how important that is for you). It might blow your mind a little bit!

We will talk about breathwork and what your experience CAN look like. I fully prepare you for what you can expect (or not expect) - but really nothing can do that. This might surprise you!

And then the BREATHWORK...

which you have LIFETIME access to. (and remember after your first listening you can skip right to the breathwork each time.

BONUS!! (VALUE $297)

11-Day Access to the Money Breathwork Workshop and SIX Breathwork Journeys designed for your EXPANSION.

Grab it below for only $27.

This is a ONE-TIME payment.

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Your breathwork is also located on a super convenient app (so you never have to remember login details or search for the website of that breakthrough thing you bought a few days/weeks ago). and you can pop open whenever you are ready for a breakthrough!

Upon checkout, you will receive an email with your login information to access your breathwork.

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