Do you believe that in order to have a great summer (full of fun, joy, ease, and connection) you need to slow down in your business?

Have you decided that $100k years are your max?

Do you think that the only way to grow your business is to hustle 20+ hours a week, maxing out your time, and spending time away from your family?

If you answered NO,

to those questions…

Then I have something for YOU.


Sales Summer Camp

A 12-week Sales Alchemy experience designed to collapse time on $100k by strategically designing and selling your offers WHILE having the best summer yet.

Sales = Impact

The more sales you make, the greater the impact you can have, the more you can spread your magic.

It is your responsibility as a Magic Maker to sell the heck out of your products and services.

There are people walking around this world right now NOT getting helped by you…

And this summer…

They’re going to say YES to you.

Let’s have so much fun selling the heck out of your offers in the easiest, most fun, way with ease, joy and FREEDOM this summer.

P.S. A Summer Bucket List will be required. I am committed to helping you create an environment where you get to have the most fun summer YET… AND make more money than you have in the last 12 weeks.

We will have 2 weeks of prework starting Thursday, May 16. This prework will prepare you to kick-off your Summer of Sales on June 3.Inside the Sales Summer Camp you will get:

  • LIFETIME Access to the Sales Alchemy Self-Study program. (VALUE $4997)

  • Weekly LIVE Breathwork Workshops (VALUE $$2997)

  • Two Weeks of prework designed with daily breathwork AND daily strategic action steps to set you up for success this summer. (VALUE $1997)

  • 2x monthly Strategy Coaching Calls (SIX calls in total + TWO in Prework) (VALUE $1997)

  • Weekly Strategy Coaching threads where you can ask ANY questions you want (VALUE $997)

  • 12 weeks access to the entire Sales Alchemy Vault. (VALUE $1497)

  • 12 weeks access to the Launched Accelerator (typically only available to Business Expansion Experience) (VALUE $1997)

  • 8 weeks access to the 10x Accelerator - will run LIVE in July (once again, this will only be available to Business Expansion Experience) (VALUE $1997)

TOTAL VALUE: $18,476

DOORS CLOSE Monday, May 20 @9pm.

Information + Checkout(we start on Thursday but you get instant access).
No products available

Who will get the best results in this program?

If you have low, mid, and high ticket offers (or anything in between), that you can scale aka SELL A LOT OF.

If you have a membership, if you have a self study program, or you have a mastermind or group program coming up and want to blow this launch out of the stratosphere.

If you have self study programs that you want to automate sales for (aka make sales DAILY for these programs or products).

If you have already made $100k in a year and want to collapse time to make that $100k (in sales or cash received) this summer.

If you have multiple coaching spots available and you want to fill them (best results for those who have already sold coaching spots).

If you want to raise your prices and sell out at your new price.

NOTE: This program is a COMBO program. Equal parts strategy AND the energetics with Money Breathwork.

The TRUE GOAL is to make $100k CASH or $100k in SALES in 12 weeks (aka 3 months).

If you're not there yet, but you can actually SEE this as a possibility in your business, THIS is the program to make it your reality.

(if you have NO IDEA how you could even do this or what you would offer - this is probably not the program for you, the Self Study Sales Alchemy would be the best place to start).

© Copyright 2024 Alessandra Caprice Coaching